Eugy Wayne Biography

Eugy Wayne Biography

Eugy Wayne Biography

Eugy Wayne Biography.

Eugy Wayne with real name Torto Terungwa Eugene is from Benue state, Gwer west precisely.

Early life: He was brought up in Naka. He attended st Therese primary school. Listening to good music was his best thing ever especially children’s music, like joy joy joy.

Music Career: His music career started back in jss 2 when he got a group of friends and they started writing songs together. He first presented a song on Christmas carol night and his career started growing rapidly through out his secondary School and up till date.

Musical Influence: His favorite artist that inspires his style of music in the industry is kizz Daniel.

About the author


Aondohemba Ephraim Kuhe is a blogger, promoter, entrepreneur and and a businessman. Call or send a Whatsapp message for more information on +2348163828930 or you can email


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